Saturday, June 5,2010. This time to north of Malaysia. One day travel from Ipoh - Sg. Petani - Kupang - Baling - Grik - Kuala Kangsar - Sungai Siput (U) - Ipoh. First time in my life ate this "kuih"
The price only RM1.00 for four pieces. According from the seller, the "inti" was made from "sagu". Hmm~ unlucky the seller don't know the name for this "kuih" and till now i still searching the name. The "inti" taste quite good and its cover (yellow like "karipap") taste like "kuih jala". Try it if come to Pekan Kupang, Kedah.
The road not taken - I plan to left Kupang by use new road (Grik - Kuala Kangsar - Ipoh)
The road was like expressway without toll and it more close to nature. Don't surprise if along the road many alert signboard to notice wild animal cross the road.
Fig.: Jambatan Raja Muda Nazrin
Comment:- dont't take photos when driving. pls don't do like what i did.
Solat Jama' at Masjid Ubudiah, Kuala Kangsar.
Within 2 hours period in this mosque, I meet two couple here. First couple was did "akad nikah" inside mosque and second couple was take photos with bride dress outside mosque(near this water sprinkler).
By the way, this mosque was opposite to S.A. Idrisiah.
There was funny story between me and this school. Huhu~ after primary school (year 6), my mom planned to send me to study in this school. But i refuse, so what i did is.. :> i plan to fail its qualification exam. hehe~ actually it is not difficult to fail in exam rather than pass.. :p
When travel it will remind me about myself and who i am. Don't bother what ever you study or where ever you study, the reasons went to school/university just to learn to be a good human and also learn how to practice it. No point if have many knowledge but refuse to practice it. Think and think. Thanks